Monday, July 30, 2007

Gastrocolic Reflex and Coffee

As I was drinking my nth glass of coffee today (yes, glass, couldn't find a cup) I remembered a doctor friend who visited me recently to fascinate me with her stories of tribal Mindanao and to introduce to me the term gastrocolic reflex.
Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary
Main Entry: gastrocolic reflex
Function: noun
: the occurrence of peristalsis following the entrance of food into the empty stomach
How did my brain drag her along with my act of drinking coffee? She likes drinking coffee, yes, but that is not the link.

Here is the linked list in my brain:
drinking coffee after eating guava -> raw salad plus coffee -> detox -> gastrocolic reflex -> my doctor friend
And here is the story behind the linked list:

On my way home from my morning walk today, I passed by a fruitstand. A guava was calling my name. Or so I imagined, in my hunger! Back home, I ate the guava right away and then saw the packets of instant coffee on the countertop. No, the coffee was not calling me. Maybe because my tummy was already smiling.

But then I recalled a discovery my salad buddy and I stumbled upon, when we had to go on a race to the rest room everytime we drink coffee after a raw salad lunch at the office (her office still, but not mine anymore). We associated coffee after salad with detox.

How I managed to link detox with gastrocolic reflex is another story worth telling another day. For now, let me just say that my experience with liver flushing is the culprit.

You already know the rest of the story of my linked list.

My ending seems abrupt but I am already experiencing a reflex whose medical term eludes me and I need to do something fast about it.

Good night! I am sleepy now.

What did you think the reflex is, you horrible crook!

Hey, don't get me wrong. That's a term of endearment I learned from my favorite literature teacher in college, spoken in an endearing tone accompanied by a playful, sweet look.
"You didn't study your lesson again, you horrible crook!"
- Gemino Abad

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