Thursday, June 28, 2012

I Love Happy Endings

And my spinal dics live happily ever after

All illnesses are psychosomatic
Whatever thoughts are predominant, 
those get manifested
As my focus has been having a misaligned spine,
So whatever I did to correct it
had  been counter-productive.

And so now I just correct my thoughts.
Wellbeing is coursing through me.
I fell it and invite more and more of it.
I feel good being alive.
And i feel good doing this.
I feel good about that.
There is an infinite array of good stuff to focus on
And on and on and on.

As to my physical discomforts
screaming for attention once in a while,
before going on my way to have more of the good stuff
I just have this to say:

It is natural for my body to be well
Even if i don't know what to do to get better, my body does
I have trillions of cells with individual consciousness
They know how to achieve their individual balance
When this condition began, i didn't know what i know now
If i had known then what i know now, this condition couldn't have gotten started
I don't need to understand the cause of this illness
I don't need to explain how it is that i'm experiencing this illness
I have only to gently, eventually release this illness
It doesn't matter that it got started because it's reversing its course right now
It's natural that it would take some time for my body to begin to align to my improved thoughts of wellbeing
There's no hurry about any of this
My body knows what to do
Wellbeing is natural to me
My inner being is intricately aware of my physical body
My cells are asking for what they need in order to thrive
And source energy is answering those requests
I'm in very good hands
I will relax now to allow communication between my body and my source
My only work is to relax and breathe
I can do that
I can do that easily...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unlocking the Drama of a Misaligned Spine

I have come to the conclusion that my condition is a simple case of misalignment,  a misalignment of spirit or non-physical that has been creating a lot of pain and trauma and distress. When we were kids it was easy to maintain our alignment, because we didn't have to pretend to be OK when we were not. We spontaneously smiled or laughed or giggled when there was a reason for it.

Fast forward 40 years or 50 years, it is not easy to find someone who is aligned.  Alignment is not only a physical condition; it is also a spiritual and psychological condition.  It means you are attuned to your inner guidance, that you have been trusting it to lead you from one happy moment to the next. It means you can sense straightaway if an interaction is bad for you, that the person you are talking to has absolutely no respect for you or your point of view.

Alignment is way beyond tuning in to our inner guidance. It is positioning ourselves in such a way that we are in perfect position to receive that which we had been wanting.  It is not necessary to run around to catch your dream, you only has to align to what you want and you will surprisingly get it.  This is the simplest translation I can do for the Law of Attraction that is at work in our universe, just like the Law of Gravity.

For whatever remaining pain I feel in my spine, particularly the upper back, I just do a 15-minute meditation every morning.  The meditation I chose gives intructions to just enjoy the breath coming in and out of the nostrills, synchronized to the tempo of a music with an unusual canter, three beats in-breath, 5 beats out-breath. On top rof the music there is the word of Abraham reminding me of very soothing comforting truths, thoughts that at the early part of my meditation really made me cry.  Being told that from the non-physical or spirit world, "There is great love here for you" is truly touching, overwhelming, and at the same time comforting, like being rocked in a loving mother's arms with a lullaby.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mental Unlock

It's been a long while since I last posted in this blog. I stopped posting not because I lost my focus on fixing my spine (that happened only recently). I stopped because I got sicker and had very limited internet access.

How did I lose my focus? I was so stuck with the problem that I couldn't imagine letting go of it until I see the results that I want: perfect spine. Now my spine is far from perfect. It still has the creaky sounds and pains. What changed was my mindset.

Last month I celebrated my 40th birthday. Several months before the event, I set a target that on my birthday I will be healed completely. The day before my birthday, I visited an aunt who was on terminal stage of lung cancer. She looked so frail. When I touched her, I felt her energy flow which triggered my energy flow. I realized that what was ailing me is the same thing as what was ailing her in an extreme way. A week later, I went back to Manila. Two weeks later, she left.

What is the common thing that is ailing me and had killed my aunt?

Human contact. Painful contact with people. And lack of nourishing contact.

The realization brings me back to the purpose I have set for myself: sweet contactfulness. It must start with myself when no such thing exist between me and my world. Eventually it will spread, in widening circles.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sacrum Lock

I had long believed that a way to solving the problem of my neck is to unlock my sacrum.

I just don't know how. I had moments when I felt it unlocking but it always went back to it's default locked state soon enough. Those moments serve as sparks of hope that the day will eventually come when my sacrum would permanently be free. A friend with interest in Buddhism added intensity to those sparks of hope when he told me this about enlightenment: you will experience a series of mini-enlightenments before true enlightenment.

My sacrum would feel great everytime I had cranio-sacral therapy (CST). Feeling the therapist's hand on the sacrum has a very soothing effect. The sacrum is always the first area being worked on in CST to release the locks in the body. At the end of a session I would feel my body being very still, with almost no need to breathe.

For the past week, I tried a therapy that confirmed how locked I still am at the sacrum. It was the Nugabest thermal accupressure bed that has moving rollers that push each vertebra as well as the sacrum up, thereby putting pressure on the spine using the weight of the body. Guess where I felt the most tension and pain? At the sacrum. The pain was almost untolerable. I had to tense up to relieve the pain when the rollers are on my sacrum.

You may ask how come I got so locked up in the sacrum. I'd say it's a combination of birth trauma that I had to endure which misaligned my cranial bones and not having had the chance to correct the misalignment by creeping and crawling, stages which I didn't go through, and which also had an adverse effect on my spine.

On the other side of the coin, I see the lock in my sacrum as a noble attempt of my body to maintain postural integrity and functionality despite the instability of the rest of the structures. To unlock prematurely might mean... what could it mean?

Now, if I can only figure out how to tap the body's inner intelligence for retrieving the magic key of such a secure lock...

Good luck to me!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Smoother Sirsasana

I learned about this asana for curing cervical spondylosis a couple of years ago. It is a modified form of headstand where the forehead touches the floor instead of the top of the head.

I've resumed practise of this asana last week, still near a wall for support in case I lose my balance. I would spend plenty of time in the preparatory stages, waiting a long time for my body to align before proceeding to the final pose. There were days when I just did the preparatory pose and my own modification of it, a mutation of the downward-facing dog.

Did I learn yoga from a teacher?

Nope, just from a book. But I did get a chance later to learn proper yogic breathing from an ayurvedic doctor, who also taught me therapeutic yoga exercises. As for the headstand, I just tried it on my own.

A couple of days ago, I met a man who has been practising Iyengar yoga from a book, also without a teacher. He asked me to show him how I do the headstand and showed me how he does it.

Golly wow, how smooth his movement was! He didn't kick one leg up followed by the other leg as I did it but walked closer to his head till his hips were arched and aligned with his torso before smoothly lifting his feet off the ground simultaneously. Beautiful! He got out of the pose in the same manner -- smoothly and with both feet touching the floor at the same time.

Since then I don't spend time dilly-dallying at the preparatory pose of sirsasana, but smoothly and confidently move into the final pose, just like my "guru" showed me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Touch Oil

This morning when I woke up, I was surprised I did not have the usual aches and stiffness in my joints. Just a trace of the usual.

So the Touch Oil I found yesterday is for real.

When the salesperson demonstrated the power of the oil to me using kinesiology, I was impressed. I only had to hold the bottle and the improvement in the strength of my fingers was appreciable.

When I applied the oil on my hands, I sensed a better flow of energy in my hands. Instantly. I was amazed.

What is Touch Oil?

The label says: Olive oil blended with .01 gram of 60D Bio elements per liter. With 78 Bio elements present in healthy human body.

The technology used to produce this oil was invented by a Filipino scientist who prefers to keep a low profile.

If you're interested in the oil, let me know. I highly recommend it for clearing blockages in energy centers for natural, lasting pain relief.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Gastrocolic Reflex and Coffee

As I was drinking my nth glass of coffee today (yes, glass, couldn't find a cup) I remembered a doctor friend who visited me recently to fascinate me with her stories of tribal Mindanao and to introduce to me the term gastrocolic reflex.
Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary
Main Entry: gastrocolic reflex
Function: noun
: the occurrence of peristalsis following the entrance of food into the empty stomach
How did my brain drag her along with my act of drinking coffee? She likes drinking coffee, yes, but that is not the link.

Here is the linked list in my brain:
drinking coffee after eating guava -> raw salad plus coffee -> detox -> gastrocolic reflex -> my doctor friend
And here is the story behind the linked list:

On my way home from my morning walk today, I passed by a fruitstand. A guava was calling my name. Or so I imagined, in my hunger! Back home, I ate the guava right away and then saw the packets of instant coffee on the countertop. No, the coffee was not calling me. Maybe because my tummy was already smiling.

But then I recalled a discovery my salad buddy and I stumbled upon, when we had to go on a race to the rest room everytime we drink coffee after a raw salad lunch at the office (her office still, but not mine anymore). We associated coffee after salad with detox.

How I managed to link detox with gastrocolic reflex is another story worth telling another day. For now, let me just say that my experience with liver flushing is the culprit.

You already know the rest of the story of my linked list.

My ending seems abrupt but I am already experiencing a reflex whose medical term eludes me and I need to do something fast about it.

Good night! I am sleepy now.

What did you think the reflex is, you horrible crook!

Hey, don't get me wrong. That's a term of endearment I learned from my favorite literature teacher in college, spoken in an endearing tone accompanied by a playful, sweet look.
"You didn't study your lesson again, you horrible crook!"
- Gemino Abad