Friday, July 20, 2007

Bonding with the Sun

When I went out at 7:00 A.M. the sun was already high up in the sky and was shining too brightly for sun gazing. I just had a look at it for a brief moment, like how I would look at a stranger I meet in the street.

At the park I sat on my favorite stone bench. It's not actually made of stone but made with cement. The surface is set with small pebbles. I should call it my pebble bench. I like this bench because it is hard and very solid and very welcoming. It is usually empty and waiting for me. And it is fully exposed to the morning sun. It is my favorite spot for morning sun gazing and sun bathing.

On my pebble bench I quietly tuned in to my body. I felt the tensions in the usual places. With the warmth of the sun I allowed the tension in my body to melt. A deep sadness soon rose to consciousness: the grief of losing my best friend.

I released the emotion and the tension by doing a few rounds of tapping using EFT. The set-up phrase I came up with at the karate chop point went like this:
Even though I feel this grief which I believe is detrimental to my health, I accept my feelings and myself deeply and completely.
Top of the eye: Oh, how I miss my best friend.
Side of the eye: I have no one now with her enthusiasm to hear what I want to say.
Under the eye: Sad not to have anyone affirm me as I affirm others.
Under the nose: Not fair.
Chin: So what!
Collarbone: I let go of painful bonds with people.
Underarm: I will just bond with the sun.
Top of the head: Ah, I look forward to playing with people who have bonded with the sun!

I left my pebble bench feeling lighter, with an idea how to release the remaining chronic tension in the spleen area. Better than continuing with the fast I started yesterday.

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