Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Celtic Beat

More popular pronunciation of Celtic: 'kel-tik

I have been listening to Celtic music on AccuRadio today. I would dance to some of them or rock on my seat to some while at my computer or sing along or hum. Somehow those helped in alleviating the congestion I feel in my tummy area and tension in the clavicular and neck areas and the guyon channel in my right hand – the usual places where I feel tense.

Ah, now I see that congestion goes with the chronic tension I have been struggling with.

When my system is acidic, as was yesterday, the tension is much less. So is the cracking sound of my joints. But the flow of energy is better.

With the congestion, I need to consciously flow my energy. Today it was dancing and singing – more enjoyable options than my usual remedies: hatha yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, tai chi or tetada kalimasada.

Food that helped me decongest today include apples, ripe Philippine mangoes (yum!) and green Indian mangoes (with bagoong, yum-yum!) To regulate the acidity, I also had watermelon, blended buko (young coconut meat and juice in electric blender) and blended eggs (manual fork blender). :-)

Thank you, Windel for the link to AccuRadio!

Thank you, Yoshio for helping me discover thru chanting how I can flow my energy by the use of my vocal cords!

Thank you, Marison for introducing me to Celtic music!

Thank you, Olive for introducing me to your style of unstructured fun dance!

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